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Old 02-05-04, 02:21 AM   #12
Light Weight
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Posts: 221
From: so. cali

i'm not trying to insue arguments... you point is valid, MLK jr.'s death was a wake up call, but i don't think it was a positive one. what your saying is, so even if we had a black president and he were to be assasinated, it would be okay because there would be changes? If MLK's death were to truly change things, there would be no racism period. He died in vain... Racism is at an all time worse, in my opinion. Not only do we have races hating other races (palestinians-israelis, iraqis-americans, whites-blacks), but races hating within their race. Malicious Hatred. It's one huge identitiy crisis... everyone has forgotten their roots, in turn instilled fear into the unknown and hate was not the typical and whats different. And what makes racism worse in our day and age compared to the past is exactly that... its the past... segregation and biggatry (sp?) has happened, oppression has happened, its been noted and professed to our generation, generations before us, and generations to come. We're taught and reminded of our horrible history, holocaust, world war, women's rights, blacks rights, etc. and taught that what happened is wrong... so why are we still digressing and repeating history?

i apologize, if i'm rambling and going on and on... this is just one of the few topics that really get me interested in conversing.
"life is a game, you have to choose a side to play
if i gotta pick a position, i'mma pick missionary."
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