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Old 02-05-04, 05:10 AM   #73
ninemillimeter's Avatar
Posts: 129
From: United Kingdom

I put a curse on your name, bombard your brain
with gamma x-rays till you burst into flames
with the scientifically quantifiable megalomaniacal
viable style, it's like trying to ride a bull

Now on some battlin shit, my verbal lateral grip
leeps my tongue glued to the A-Dat when I'm trackin' my shit
Let my spit lubricate the chap on my lips
And make you rappers have fits 'cause I'm back in the mix

Nine Millimeter (that's meeee)...
I slammed down the phone, disturbed and confused
I think this bottle of pills, were madly misused
or did it really happen, was she fatally abused
a blow to her face and skull, left me bemused
I could see it all, her bones never callused
even though her tissue was heavily fractured and bruised
mismatched with strange textures and iridic clues
I looked closer, noticed they were burnt out with acidic tools

^ Click the image to visit my official website ^
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