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Old 02-05-04, 10:37 AM   #8
Posts: n/a



Your verse was pretty decent... A wasnt so sure about the way you seperated the lines every so often... But a s'pose it didnt affect it that much... Jus a little...
You had good imagery... A nice flow... But...
You had very poor vocab... not many complex words... Made it seem basic if you get me... You sort of did 4 different sides of this topic... Which made it seem you didnt stay on one topic... You did four... Lol... Nice drops... Pz...


This was a cool verse... Liked it man...
You had very complex vocabulary... Made the piece hotter by using that... Creative... You stayed on topic all the way through... Had a nice view of the topic you were given... Nice wordplay...
Cant find much to critisize... Which can only be a good thing?

Good verses by both... Jus feel that rule took this marginally...

v/ rule

Hit this up both of you... Thanks...
