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Old 02-05-04, 02:45 PM   #17
"Cuz bruk said so"
bouncedoggydog's Avatar
Posts: 1,540
From: Los Angeles

Originally Posted by halfrican
I hate to say it but you are as far from wrong as possible:

2. You don't have to be born in this country to become president, just a citizen for like ten or fifteen years or something like that...

Son, as the constituiton stipulates today, only a citizen by brith right can run for the most powerful public office, the Presidency. It is illegal and unconstituional as of today, for a naturlized citizen to be elected President of the United States. This may one day be amended but as it reads today, you are completly wrong. Just thought I'd point that out to you...

Originally Posted by halfrican
and to be completely blunt, if you think there will be a black, asian, female, hispanic, gay/lesbian, jewish, or middle eastern president in our, our children, even our grandchildren's lives, you are extremely delusional...

Now I am delusional according to you. In contrast to your view, more than 80 percent of Americans expect to see a woman and or a man of color in Office within thier life time. The President of the U.N. is a black man, Kofi Anan although politicaly I disagree with just about everything this man say's, I respect his role as leader of the UN. I really think that your view is way off base, and it's you who are delusional. The world save a few liberal labeled "rouge states" look to this international body to solve every diplomatic, military and world crisis, yet a black man holds it's presidency. I think presidence has been set world wide, so it is more than reasonalbe to expect to see a change of face in D.C., within our life time. The rest of the world and mainstream America in your opinion must be delusional, I really doubt that!
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