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Old 02-05-04, 03:23 PM   #20
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how come nobody ever talks about other races

everything is always "white keeping blacks out of something" but what about latinos, asians, native americans, and all the other races?

we have never had a president, we dont have sports owners/coaches, quarterbacks, but we dont go all over the news bitching about it.

people doing that shit, are part of the reason racisum is still alive. they call everyone racist but they are racist themselfs for making everything a racial issue.

and dont give me bullshit about blacks went threw slavery so they are diffrent.

what about latnios? we are still treaded like shit, we still have people working is sweat shops, picking cotton working in the fields, digging ditches, doing hard laber for less then minimum wage. we dont cry about racisum for every little thing, even though we are treated just as bad as the black people and we still get kicked out of the country, people are always talking about blacks making up most the prison population, when latinos are just as bad, but nobody seems to give a shit about us.

what about native americans? they had it worse before african americans did, they were slaughtered, kicked off their own land, made slaves and transported in slave boats just like blacks, forced to walk "the trail of tears" where most died. native americans once owned all of america, now they are stuck in their little pueblos, nearly all native american tribes were killed off. they had it worse then blacks did, and they still do, even though their goverment takes good care of the, they are treated like shit outside of their pueblos.

FUCK WHAT COLOR SOMEONE IS, IF THEY ARE QUALIFIED THEY SHOULD GET THE JOB! im tired of this bullshit about blacks dont get nothing cause all "minortys" are treated like shit, but for somereason its only a big deal when it affects black people.
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