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Old 02-05-04, 03:47 PM   #22
"Cuz bruk said so"
bouncedoggydog's Avatar
Posts: 1,540
From: Los Angeles

^ The raza is making huge moves in politcs C. I mean it's a poor imagrant form Tijuana that is now in the most powerful chair of California legislation. Also Bush has elected several hispanics to highly regarded federal spots in our government. Dawg check your new twenty dollar bill Rosaria Marin signature is on it as secretary of treasuary. That is a huge advancement of our people carnal. Not only that she is being endorsed to run against Boxer for her seat on the senate, now that is a great thing. She's a conservative hispanic with the tenacity to win the senate election, which will bring more hispanic recognition into congress. Why do you guy's think I am such an avid politician, it's a very exciting time in American History, we can all make a difference, if we try. Not getting involved does nothing for our status, yet together our voice is starting to be heard. I mean all pollitical parties are pandering for the latino vote, why is that? Becuase we are growing in numbers and status, while our parents break their back at work, we are getting an education. While our parents struggle to make ends meet, we are learning that our influence on this country is growing. Instead of blaming the Goverment for the plight of our people we are actually doing something to improve our social satus here in America. That is why we are becoming a loud voice, propelling faster than other minorites in these areas. It's not an issue of race, but that of social structure. We need to work together to improve the class strucutre of all minorities, not just our own. The education gap is slipping and mainstream America is waking up to this each and everyday. Let's keep moving forward on all fronts and at the same time understand we are all in this together, no matter pigmentation or faith.
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