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Old 02-05-04, 03:55 PM   #23
"Cuz bruk said so"
bouncedoggydog's Avatar
Posts: 1,540
From: Los Angeles

Originally Posted by halfrican
ok than, answer me this, give me ONE country (besides african nations) that has the same percentage of african american citizens as the US where one is in power.

I'll even go one farther (I haven't done any research but I'm pretty sure this is correct), give me just ONE country where there is a minority as the leader of a country, that came into power without a coup..

Theres a very distinct difference between asking people to take a poll about something, and seeing them follow through. American citizens are very capricious individuals, they'll say that they want to see an african american president, but won't give them enough votes to get through the primaries. The only exception to what I just said was in 88 when jesse jackson ran, being a black male, I hate to say this but that was a complete fluke...

I'm not delusional in the slightest, I'm a realest...

p.s. thanks for correcting my mistake, must have gotten my facts all fucked up... Thats what I get for smoking weed all day.

You need to come at me with more than this childs play kid. The Peruvian Government elected in 1990 a Japenesse man named Fujimori! An agricultural engineer born in Japn who was a political unkown until weeks before the election. You have to do better than that, it's obvous you have no grounds to make outrages claims, as you have. Don't take this as an attack, but just a reflection of the facts... I do admire your passion, keep your head in it, but don't let emotion out wiegh logic.
That is my advice for you...
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