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Old 02-05-04, 04:31 PM   #25
"Cuz bruk said so"
bouncedoggydog's Avatar
Posts: 1,540
From: Los Angeles

Originally Posted by halfrican
^^^ there's no hate at all, political debates are fantastic...

and I did state that I did no research, but it seems like a pretty valid thing to say. I hate sounding like a pessimist, but one country in the whole world??? Thats kinda weak, to be completely honest I think this country has a lot of work before any minority is voted. I mean how long did it take south carolina to get even the confederate flag off of their capitol. There is still bigotry in this country, george fucking bush was saying something along the lines of wanting to have a ban on gay marriages (or however you spell it) in the god damn constitution, and PEOPLE ARE BACKING IT. Even though we are making huge steps towards a president who isn't white and prostestant, and more and more minorities are getting voted into political positions, still most of them are old fashioned white folks. And old white folks, just wont let this happen..

Another thing that is stopping this is that for a minority to be voted in, more minorities have to vote, simple as that....

I only listed one, as you only asked me to prove the one. I can list more, but for sakes of winning this arguement I only needed one. You are right about the lack of minority voters, but there is a bigger lack of voting amongst young people. When you kids turn of age, please take my addvice and cast your ballots, not just in presidential elections but in all. Express your self via your music when you get the chance, debate amongst yourselves, and keep on top of the subject. You kids can make a difference, if you want to make this country more your own.
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