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Old 02-05-04, 09:08 PM   #9
Posts: n/a

I only read the first few posts. And must ask Gunman the Great why he thinks Hitler was a genius. Why gunman, why?!

I hear/see this sometimes. People claiming Hitler was a genius that is. But most are just jumping on a bandwagon of 'going against the grain' and the pretense of 'conflicting enligthenment' of sorts. Without truly being able to explain why they think he was a genius. Just things like 'he could command a crowd', ever think of the situation in Germany and the world at the time? And the people around him?..

5 most intelligent? Couldn't say. Though if you mean top 5 people who i think are most intelligent on a 'basic' scale of 'valuation' of intelligence. the top of my head...

'The philosopher' - A philosophical answer...
Shakespeare - Even though there is doubt to if he wrote all that is claimed. Nonetheless, it doesn't matter at the moment.
Einstein - He just seems synonymous(sp) with intelligence in modern day times...

Dunno...i don't think it's that important to rank 'top 5' as such. Though except maybe to ignite further discussion/debate.
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