Thread: A Plea For Help
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Old 02-05-04, 09:30 PM   #1
Mental God
Posts: n/a
A Plea For Help


Because we here at RB try to take care of our own (generally), we became concerned when it became apparent that one of the top writers had been conspicuously absent for some time. After making several attempts to contact him (DEZ), his family finally responded and informed us that he had been implicated in a fire in a San Francisco Department store (Some of you may have read about the recent tragedy, the T.L. Schulman's fire in mid-January), and was being held by police under suspicion of Arson and Criminal-Mischeif, as well as some unrelated,- "morals violation" (it wasn't completely clear to us).
Anyway, after some investigating on our part, we were able to get a hold of, and peice together, some video footage from some security cameras and news reports; we feel very strongly that our finished product clearly proves that, while Rome may have been there when the fire started, clearly it was unintentional.

However, the DA ain't buying it, and mounting a proper defense costs money. So we're asking that you view the following video and judge for yourselves, search your hearts, and help us make sure an innocent man isn't wrongly convicted.

video footage
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