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Old 02-06-04, 06:02 AM   #3
Posts: n/a

This senior citisen needs to get a life before its 2 late
in 20 years hell be 46 still in WMC asking "how do i elevate"
wrongly labeled "Light weigh" on this site
only place you belong is in a low fat diet becaose ur "extra light"
This arm is handicaped.... making his punches land short
only way to avoid a loss here - is if there was a button "battle abort"
like your verses - your life hasnt made sence since your birth
Like the movie Armagadon- with a comet that isnt heading for earth
to give everyone a clear picture ill compare
Marvel Arm would be a methaphor - for Micheal Jackons with shaved hair (ugly)
Didnt have to look far to merk Marvel- so am joining the que
just like you sig - everyone on rb is asking - WHO D FUK ARE YOU?
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