Thread: A Devils Rant
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Old 02-06-04, 02:23 PM   #7
Posts: n/a

Poetic feel, basically by the had good rhymes though, none simplistic n' everything had a meaning behind it:

"I was livid and promised to fight the injustice
Banished to the earths basement
I envisaged a plan and demonics to light my crushed fists
My new habits slew the First statement"

Vocab [for such the short bars you had] was dope...fitted about all the syllables you could within' the bars...didn't just put 'big' words in there for the fun of it, see it happening alot in OM, you put thought behind them.

Concept was, maybe a little played?, but you added a personal, firsthand perspective to it, really help me relate to it that portrayed a damned soul, sent to hell, wanting out, wanting to be forgiven...tight.

Nothing wrong with it, i mean, the structure/flow/meaning/vocab/wordplay were all on seen you do this kinda thing before, good to see your experimenting...Glad to see you back on Rb as well
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