Thread: The Sky...
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Old 02-06-04, 02:36 PM   #16
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Flow was ferocious....loved the way ti was stuctured, was on-point, fluent n' consistant throughout the 3 stanza's....& the rhymes were complex, wern't simple, wern't obvious or apparent...

some good rhymes:
"Ever swirling patterns.. Encrypted into the sky.. The cloud
Tatooed masses of vapour...
... Imprinted on the blue background"

"Craning necks leer.. Dumb-struck faces all point upwards
Sharp beams of light pierce...
... And gleam like polished swords"

Vocab was brutal, you had some dope lines in there, n' the vocab added depth and complexity to it....Words were relative, not irrelevant to the piece...helped to visualise the imagry and the picture you were painting.

Concept was full of originality, loved the way you portrayed it...imagry [as i said above] was real n' opaque..., but, was it just a piece about how the sky changes or was it mean't as a metaphor...were you praying, lookin' for inspiration, help??

Amazing piece, filled with amazin' imagry....Flow as i said was ferocious..., n' the concept was filled with originality n' real emotion...4.8....dope.
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