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Old 02-06-04, 03:07 PM   #1
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50 Cent Fan Gets Opera Sentence


A Miami man was ordered to listen to over 2 hours of opera after being found guilty of playing 50 Cent's "In Da Club" too loud in his car.

Drivers in Miami Beach now have to abide by strict new abatement laws and are liable to be charged if police can hear car stereos from 100 feet away. Ocean Drive billboards even warn drivers, "No Loud Music."

After being found guilty of bumping "In Da Club" too loud at 5 am, club promoter Micheal Carreras was given the option to either play a $500 fine or listen to Verdi's "La Traviata" in the judge's chambers. Word is that Judge Jeffrey Swartz said, "you impose your music on me, and I'm going to impose my music on you."

---- feel sorry for the guy..& don't want know..."He deserves it for listening to 50" or "I feel for him cos he was bangin' to IN Da CLub".
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