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Old 02-06-04, 05:44 PM   #27
New to RB
iLLaMinTid's Avatar
Posts: 86

OPEN: Dixie - made me into what he was goin to say next about the other cat . . Dirty's was just weak

CLOSE: Dixie - basically the same as what i said in "OPEN"

PERSONALS: Dixie - his made me laugh

PUNCHES: Dixie - they just hit harder . . Dirty's was just wack

FLOW: Tie - both had pretty nice flow

VOTE: Obviously Dixie

i read Dirty's and i thought this shit was gonna be a weak battle . . and i go to Dixie's . . he made the battle fiyuh . . props to the battle . . i can't poll vote but DIRTY! YOU GOT FUCKIN MERKED!

can yall return the favor?
it'll be appreciated
Feedback/Poll votes would be appreciated: -vs- Ghetto Mike -vs- Lokeye

// + rEcoRd + \\
cHaLkEd uP: 2
DeMoLiShEd bY: 0
// + kO's + \\: 1
// + tKo's + \\: 1