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Old 02-06-04, 07:29 PM   #1
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Posts: 88
Euphoria's kiss...


Euphoria's kiss...

Thinking of her:
The linguistics that my pin spit in this instant
Are scented with emotions that send this
Intense since of love...Which is the immense gift
Handed to me, by her...Carried on Gloria’s lips
I lay & reminisce, on my first taste of euphoria’s kiss.....

The first night:

The night’s cold, as she pears into my soul
And I can’t deny though’s eyes, so, I froze
My pose: looking back into her endless stare
I begin to care, as her hand sends the air-
From my chest as she unbuttons my shirt
She understands my hurt, & what fuels my work
I smirk, as my right hand glides up her leg
Red satin sheets seduce and cover her bed
Her slight moan alone send me into extasy
From her lips :You can have the best of me
The glow of her eyes revels my destiny
I get lost in the deep hue, that’s gifted ta her
I wanted to resist it at first, but that thirst
Couldn’t be denied, and I submitted to love...
This is the first time that I’ve admitted the above
I was doomed to hell at birth, so let my sin
Her yielding legs slide, open and let me in
I seep a sentence: Love, I’m adoring you gist...
Then I penetrate her, and have my first taste of euphoria’s kiss.....

A later time in life:
The hurt pulsating through a grown man...
My love lost: I sit crying in my own hands...
I can only think of love....the intense since...
Of the immense gift, carried on Gloria’s lips...
I can only reminisce on my first taste of euphoria’s kiss......


Forget vocab, rhyme scheme, wordplay and everything else that you may think I need to be. I’m not a hip-hop robot. I feel, and that’s what matters to me. You can be a slave to a formula, but let me be human. After all, hip-hop would have never been born if everyone stuck to the status quo.
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