Thread: why lord...??
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Old 02-07-04, 12:11 AM   #18
Posts: 2,653

Originally Posted by Token
He's been found guilty.

I live in Sarasota and passed the scene and their house.

I've never seen anything like it before.. There were a lot of people at night with candles and signs saying pray for Carlie last night.. and sure enough I wake up this morning to this awful conclusion.

I've never witnessed something so hurtful that has nothing to do with me.

Her mom and family were outside with candles. I felt so bad. Made me wish I was with her so I could go off on that guy.

I JUST TOLD YOU.. HE IS GUILTY. They found her blood in his car along with some hair I believe. And if I'm not mistaken.. he admitted where her body was.

There's no doubt about it that he did it. Now stop with the ifs. *cough* Tsar Casm *cough*
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Prime effort is all you can expect.
Perfection will be promised in time.

The Creation
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