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Old 02-07-04, 01:56 AM   #5
\/ pissing me off!!!!
menolin's Avatar
Posts: 2,122
From: UK

sorry, for being late, i had work, an college, im just gonna have to key it up now!!!

my wifes left,
the kids look at me no more,
jobs gone,

a love one lost... only to a fault of my own,
a happly family.. converted to a broken home,
a haven of peace was smashed, bad decisions,
evil has struck..... with intricate precision....
an illusion created in my mind.. an easy escape,
my soul offered to drugs.. my dignity to take,
a nervous hand parts.. with the devils money,
to a seedy man.... who's streetwize an cunning,
thoughts fill my head, but the process is wrong,
in my current state.. not at most mentally strong,
a needle jabs my arm, herion spreads amongst veins,
i lost control... feelings confused, mixed in my brain,
body an sense all different... a incredible feeling,
and after 1 dig of this.. my next step was steeling,
trying... but... only wanting to fuel the habit,
i never knew i already fell down the hole of the rabbit,
each doasge taken, like being on the boarder of death,
but its something i needed, because an empty was left,
just trying to ease the pain.... but its only prolonged,
a lost place in society....
......on the streets is now where i belong......

well i tried!!

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