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Old 02-07-04, 05:03 AM   #15
New to RV
Posts: 56

I cant officially vote (not enough posts) but, here's my thoughts:

Flow: I would say Eki had a more consistent flow.
Both did a good job, but Marvel's flow kind of
fell off towards the end.

Marvel: "If there was an abort button ya mumma shoud of pushed it,
It would of saved me the hastle of executing a bitch."

Punches: Eki had better punches in this one. Hit harder and where
more direct. Marvel's punches were alright, liked the
"breathless" line, but came off a little weak/basic.

Eki (best punch in battle): " only way to avoid a loss here - is if there was a button "battle abort"

Personals: Eki by far took it w/ the personals. A couple of good ones
dissing Marvel's age, name, and his sig. Marvel's opener
was an attempt at a personal, but was weak.

Eki: "Didnt have to look far to merk Marvel- so am joining the que
just like you sig - everyone on rb is asking - WHO D FUK

Vocab: Id say it was a tie. Both verses were pretty basic. Elevate.

Creativity: Eki definitly used more creativity, especially in his
personals. Punches were also more creative than Marvel's.
Marvel used a few lines that seemed kinnda played,i.e.
the Dr. Dre line and the 'no cure for wackness' line.

Overall: Eki w/o a doubt, was the clear winner. His punches hit harder
and were more creative. He also had some good personals
which I felt really sealed the victory. Not bad on the part of
Marvel, but needs to be more creative/direct with his
punches and utilize personals more often.

My vote: Eki
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