Thread: Are you high?
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Old 02-07-04, 03:45 PM   #34
Light Weight
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Posts: 221
From: so. cali

Originally Posted by Solgooberdier
I did exstacy once and took the keys from a friends girlfriend and he did try to stop me cause I was yelling. Once I started to drive I was thinking that the car was posessed by the devil, and somehow I drove on the highway passing a CHP, then I turned out in the dirt got on the road parked at some point and woke up in front of a church, perfectly parked. I also went to a AMPM and needed a pen to write down a number that I was trying to call somone for at 3AM and offerd the clerk $20.00 for one, in the morning I remembered that an it turns out I took the pen without giving $20.00.
I also have a story for when I did acid, I'm high right now, so I can tell you about high exsperiences, drinking and more exstacy ones.

Life is great.* Never coke, heroien, meth, crack*

X doesn't make you lose your memory, your in a conscious state the entire time. you know exactly what your doing even if its not something you do typically. if you pass out, you should still remember what the prior events were. this drug kicks in your sub-conscience and endorphins (thats why its called the love drug), so things happen in sort of a dream state. if your experiencing those side effect you may not be dropping pure pills.

anyhow, i don't do any drugs- including weed. i'm more fun sober. However i am an avid drinker... B.151
"life is a game, you have to choose a side to play
if i gotta pick a position, i'mma pick missionary."
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