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Old 02-07-04, 04:01 PM   #2
shawty"B"'s Avatar
Posts: 96
From: Tha many wishes that people make in their dreams...tha depths of a cutters shallow as they seem

shooting magnolias- thats a nice peice, gud imagery and it kep me interseted

distant memories- this 1 has alotta imagery and sounds reel gud out loud

........fav part.........

Ink seeps from my pen, slowly
coating my hand as I spill it
onto this paper writing of distant
memories and people I’ve lost.

(this 1 also to me has the most imagery in the hole thing)

Carpe Diem-the only thing i think of wen i read this is "what is today but yesterday's tomorrow?"

Gasoline Dreams- before i even read this one all i can think of is a bunch of kids havina gasoline fight (sumnlike water fight but at a gas pump) like the scene in Zoolander....n e ways.... thats a funni poem cuz the imagery that i get serves wat i thot before reading the poem but the "violent reaction" part just makes me picture the kids blowin them selves up and die lafin.....

all in all there r reel nice poems.........keep em comin.....
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........Shangri La........
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