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Old 02-07-04, 04:03 PM   #39
The Great Adventures Of..
Posts: 22

Originally Posted by SplitSouL
you forgot canibus. he's smart...


Anyway, 3 people ....

Imhotep - First documented renaissance man of history. He was a Ewe man of Egypt and lived during the famous 4th dynasty. He's the "Father of Medicine" as well as many other titles.

Queen Tiye - She was the wife of King Amenhotep III, mother of King Akenten (Ahkenaton), Mother in law of Queen Nefertitti and mother of King Tutu Ankoma (or King Tut). The most famous dynasty of the Denkyirahene in Egypt. Her nation building skills were unmatched in pharonic Egypt. She had more power than her husband and all men in general. She was easily the most powerful woman of antiquity because of her keen nation building skills.

Herodotus - Without Herodotus, I wouldn't know half the shit I know now. He was a Greek historian, dubbed "The Father of History", that lived 484 BC to 425 BC. He wrote "The Histories" and is easily the most influential historian we know of. I would say Omane Anto (Mantheo), the Egyptian preist that gave the Greeks the histories of Egypt, but Herodotus covered everything in the ancient world. There was literally no people in his hemisphere that he didn't encounter, describe and write about. We owe a lot to Herodotus as far as figuring out how some things came to pass.
Don Kammel Kersey 1980-2002
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