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Old 02-07-04, 04:49 PM   #43
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It's been proven Shakespeare didn't write all his stuff? Hmmm...could you please point me towards that proof. No, scratch that. Could you please open the door and show me some of this proof.

Because i've always thought of it in as a mere 'doubt' rather than something that has been proven. I mean come on, judging it on writing style with little to nothing else to back it up is a bit weak.

Saying that, i am not saying he DID write it all, no argument. Just that i give the benefit of the doubt to his name.

Not the most smartest? Well, i see the question as a bit too broad. But he's up there with the great 'intellects'. Someone said 'all he did was understand human nature and society'. Well, yes, that takes intelligence. To understand it and then intepret it into the work that we see today. Plays that have lasted centuries. Become universal to the extent that they have translated into many different languages to cater for the demand in many different countries.

To say 'if he didn't do it....someone else would've' also a bit off. One might say the same about many scientists who achieved great things.

Also saw a comment about 'i or anyone else could write waht he wrote', really? Hmmm, maybe you'd like to submit 5 lines for us. Don't worry, i'll wait by the phone, ready to call The Shakespeare Company about the 'second coming' of their prodigal...

Oh, and i've only ever read two Shakespeare plays fully. Not fully into 'his' work. But i can appreciate what it is. The recognition of subteltites is usually what makes one realise the true extent of his work. And the extent of 'inteligence' it takes to write such things. Oh, and can't forget how important his work is to the English language. Though there was someone before him who they say is the 'unsung hero'. His name escapes my mind..

But hey, i also appreciate other points of views. His name just came off the top off me head when writing a couple names down. And one cannot argue him popping up in people's 'lists' he was a man of genius in his fields. At least, what was in his name...
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