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Old 02-07-04, 05:04 PM   #15
Fuck yo couch
Brethren's Avatar
Posts: 575
From: Michigan

Punches: Tie, both had their share of weak and decent punches.
Wordplay: Mind, definitely had better wordplay, split the middle and takes sides, I thought that was dope.
Multis: Neither, both had 1 syllable basic rhymes, flip some multis next time
Personals: Neither, MT brang up a line about C-Section, but I don't know what that's about, so I'm not considering it.
Opener: Mind, had a dope wordplay.
Closer: Black, Mind's closer was really weak, Black had a very poorly aimed punch, but still better.

vote - Mindtrap

Ill leave him,behind so he can straighten the learning curve
Decent wordplay, Black's best line

So watch me split this bitch
...down the middle and take sides
Dope... by Mind

Return the favor in my signature
I rhyme better than who rhymes better than you