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Old 02-07-04, 05:12 PM   #44
Dragon I
British Beef Personified
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Posts: 245
From: Brighton, in the UK

Originally Posted by Sleepwalker
1. Einstein
2. Mencious
3. Sun Tzu
4. Myamoto Musashi
5. iLLogic

thats my peace..names you dont recognize..look them up..Einstein of course has to be number one not because of the theory of reletivity..but because of what he studied and didnt get a chance to finish before his death..the theory of unification..


myamoto was just deep and introspective really. although no doubt a genius, he isn't one of the best.

as for people saying einstein, although he was indeed extremely clever, something's he made have started to be thgouht of as wrong. stephen hawking is only thoughtof as intellgient cos he wrote a book. althgouh smart, he isn't too great. some of his ideas are being disclaimed now too. can't remeber the detaiuls though i'm afraid cos i looked into it all a while back.

my list though? not sure to be honest. i agree hitler was genius, but only in his ability to manipulate a crowd. it all depends on what part of genius you're measuring. some people are geniuses when it comes to numbers (eg. pythagoras), some with words (eg.chaucer), and others have the ability to work out exactly what people are thinking and how to make them think what you want (eg. Hitler). you get spacial and artistic genius too, such as good old picasso or da vinci.

There's one guy that i do have on my list, but i can;t remeber his name. he's a physician that got a nobel prize like 5 years after getting his degree or something. made huge discoveries towards nanotechnology with the aid of a biological dye. complete genius. can't really say beyond that. too many fields of genius really to draw a comparison on a small scale.
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