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Old 02-07-04, 05:49 PM   #44
Geaux Fuck Yourself
villagepimp's Avatar
Posts: 2,617
From: Dirty South Wichita

Yo... once, I was fuckin' smokin' that shit ya know, and I was startin' to get all dizzy. Then the room starts spinnin' so I walk outside and got knocked to the ground. And I saw these flashing lights in the air and some white aliens in blue spacesuits lifted me up and took me away. I woke up and my ass hurt like a motha fucker. Then I realised I'd been arrested and during the night I had become Bubba's Lil'

naw dawg, I seen one b4. I was at my g Gambino's house and we was outside kickin' the soccer ball around, drinkin' some Mt. Dew (No drugs involved). Then like We saw one fucking fly from the horizon to the opposite horizon. Well, We were all freaked out and he called his dad who was an Air Traffic Controller at KCI. He said he didn't know what we were talking about. So we were sittin in his room, which is in the attic, and we hear this boom noise, like someone had jumped on the roof. And we heard a second one. It was really freakin' us out ya know so we just sat there and looked out his window. And we heard whatever they were walk around on the roof. They stopped and fucking must have been looking in the window cuz his blinds had a fucking shawdow that looked like an alien head. I don't know what the fuck it was, but I still think it was an encounter. True shit

King of Missouri

I Fucked Mack's Mom. And I Liked It.


Originally Posted by SPuL
^dude it's poetic, what did you expect? He believed his ex still loved him after cheating on him with 9 guys and 1 girl.

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