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Old 02-07-04, 09:40 PM   #7
Word Definate
Word Definate's Avatar
Posts: 131
From: FLA

shoulda came harder...bitches...

Proofs a goofed pussy n on wanted posters he couldnt be at large,
so i told him payback was a bitch n he asked what she charged,
hes far from good and closer to nothing, a disgusting something
n Proofs drool is falling staggered while his spits are stumbling,
stomach quits rumbling, you were fed your verse, we're medicine cursed
cuz from birth we were boldly told first our sickness had reversed
n earths worst duo had now emerged, with fuses burst, Teflon cant get
blown, fuck you holmes, u couldnt patch things up with ya apology sewn,
go home? we'll give you domestic violence followed by a mess of silence,
die bitch, this heres PROOF that Teflon gets ripped without Definate tryin
The only defintion that matters...

Word Definate N Slik Shadow Vs. PROOF N Teflon


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