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Old 02-08-04, 02:05 PM   #6
Posts: n/a

^what was the point in posting twice, Arc, to get your post count up..?

Kinda contradicted yourself:

"Put this shit in Legends BItch!! I don't give a fuck if I never get in!!!"

Flow was nice, had some dope internals, and the rhymes were full of complexity n' deepful meaning, not hollow & simple..:

"Can this be a stoner thought..reality brought..or just expressions to fill a void..
If two minds left alone fought..would words or physical shots be deployed.."

Vocab was right on cue....wasn't forced or you didn't try to add 13 letter words in here and there to make it look complex...your vocab had sense meaning and relativity about it....Everything was mean't to be where it is, takes a good writer to pull that off...dope.

Bit of a dip in talent, concept wise, from what i've come to expect of you....yes, you had many quotables, but everything was kind of thrown about n' jumbled up....maybe that was the idea, but i don't think so....

In conclusion, it's one of your weaker pieces, not because of rhymes or lyrics, but by the way you went about it....3/5...only because i've come to expect alot more from you, and i have a exceptional high opinion of your work.

Don't you have to be a "Legend" to get into Rb in not only in writing but in character, activity and such as well...not saying ,Pen, you don't got that, but just wondering.
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