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Old 02-08-04, 05:54 PM   #24
Rare One
Posts: 327
From: B.831

Its out right wack how you right out act black
Now ill take my time, so you can learn to rhyme that/
Written and Dragon have been fuckin each other up
these dumb sluts use each other cuz incest stuck/
wack with rhyme, spitten plain ol dumb shit
lookin redundent, each of you fags got a cum spit/
its basic like each of you names just say punch it
so i leave you drag-in balls so you cant run quick/
unwritten, but still a hazard how he wants loves british beef
Drag id watch out, this fags wants you penis between his teeth/
your great to flosh with, your the he boss sez
On top when you play opposite of being lez/
Neither one of you can keep you legs from being spread
They must be butter when people have breakfest with bread/