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Old 02-08-04, 06:03 PM   #1
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Make Them Listen {Pen}


Started this topic... Then Pen's piece is being repeatedly denied in Legends... So im trying to Make Them Listen...

Why is it facts are ignored.. This is the case of Pen's legend appeal
Why is it repeatedly denied...
... When everyone knows it would be ideal
It should be up there.. In Legends is exactly the place it belongs
So why dont they let it in...
... And just right their wrongs
The calibur of skill with a pen.. In OM is practically unmatched on this site
The message given out by them is basically...
... 'He hasnt got enough posts alright!'
Its probably the best.. Dopest thing in a while that has been sighted
He shouldnt have even had to ask...
... He should of been invited
Its not nice to be honest.. Seeing these stupid rules dictated
Now hurry up damn you...
... And get that Legends list updated

Just a quick key... But lets hope it works...
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