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Old 02-08-04, 11:17 PM   #11
Banned: Compromised Account
.Iknoevel.'s Avatar
Posts: 2
From: New Jersey


Ace? Who? I aint even spell this herbs name right..
Why? to make an example...that summin's missin from tight
Not a bad opening.. the personal wasnt that great cuz u planned it but it was creative
Check his AIM, "jet..drop wack..I wanna win" shits a sinch
fuk talent...he's more worried bout digits than Meryl Linch
this was a good punch.. the aim convo thing was tight and the 2nd line wasnt bad either..[b]
Shit makes me cringe, Ace your even part of a Voting ring?
Yeh, Check the sig...Your part of a dislexic Edicuis Inc.
[b]an ok punch.. decent not bad[b]
Askin for 10 minutes, shit it's obviouse u got pre-writtin's
Get ir right, girly...get outta here and in my kitchen...
[b]just ok.. i talk to ace all the time and remember having a convo were he said he only takes 10 mins to write verses.. 2nd line was good if what u told me he actually said

It's only fittin...Your gettin your's due, Yes I mean clowned
The eye's in you avatar aint the only thing rolling around...
lmao.. dope punch to finish this verse off..i liked it alot

Straight Ace

Settle this case..& ill make it known son ur stupidddddddd..
8 d's why..?
Because i wanna make You long as u did..
lol.. nice opening.. i liked it alot, very creative
Nothin....guess what? a synonym for you is just that..
& nothin is what i expect..
But u'll beat the odds &..... wont live up to that..
lol.. another nice punch.. i was feelin this again, but ya rhyme wasnt that good
So ha ha ur ass, see how simple text can be?
& yes u are..Far more simple then that...
But showin off is nothin to be proud of see..
just an ok bar
Been waitin' Excuses & shit to to eat? get lost..
.........I'll do Rb a favor & leave ur Cookies tossed..
lol...creative punch.. really liked this
Avy pranks, real stunnin' there Kid..i mean yeah ur shit..
Just got in Elite..

I say just add him
Kids been around forever.
If he comes weak boot him

So prepare to get kicked out of it!
dope... nice closer wit a great personal

overall - shit..this was the closest battle i have ever voted on in my life.. both verses were great and had some dope ass punches... i even went back and read this shit again twice... but overall ima have to go wit Ace.. you each had good verses but aces punches were all dope except for one... same with carson but he had 2 bars that were just ok... so overall ... this was close as hell but ace had 1 less none dope bar so he gets it.. i think u guys should have a rematch after this...that would be dope
