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Old 02-08-04, 11:33 PM   #4
Posts: n/a

- who the fuck do you think your kidding besides your damn self,
- all that wack shit you was spitting, not a damn drop was felt,
- im belting you trick, just like I was your fucking father figure,
- your a bitch that bothers and bickers, my blows are a lot sicker,
- villins sippin this fifth of liquor then shattering the hollow bottle,
- up against your nostrils, you battling me, thats next to impossible,
- hit the hospital quick with urgency, for some emergency surgery,
- brand new throwback all stained burgurdy, know you heard of me,
- for eternity ill be in your nightmares, haunting you like fred krugg
- the lyrical rick rude, service with a smile while I piss in your food,
- dude, your ass cant step to cash, it's sorta like a broken ladder,
- all that shit you just wrote, then spoke, is the same ol chit chatter,
- Ill shatter your bladder, then Ill stab you in the damn abdoman,
- with a javeling, while your tattling, infact better get to traveling,
- Villins unraveling your plans and lyrically I infiltrated your system,
- treatin bonez just like one of my hoes, I fucked him and didnt kiss him,

aight 16 matched......
lets get some votes
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