Thread: my people
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Old 02-09-04, 09:03 AM   #7
Tourniquet's Avatar
Posts: 149
From: Australia

Your holding yourself back. Your limiting your abilities, disrespecting yourself. You ask why I say this? Because of the way in which you have written this. Youve taken a strong proud message and turned it into street talk. You want to get accross to readers then you need to empower yourself more through your writing. Write with pride and then you may impact on people the way you wish to. You speak of Martin Luther King.. well, can you imagine him ever typing up a message like this? I dont think so, because his words were his power.. not only his message but the strength behind them and that strength came from his convictions, convictions he respected. Some of which, were education, and taking pride in yourself and everything you do.

Use what you have written here and create something far greater.
Great spirits often encounter violent opposition from mediocre minds.
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