Thread: A Project.
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Old 02-09-04, 02:21 PM   #61
The Necromancer
Atra Ludio or Hip-Hop?
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Posts: 817
From: Cottage Grove, Oregon

Originally Posted by Kry-O-Gene-X
hmm..let me hacking skills are a bit mediocre..but a lil time given..and I can hack into almost anything..I pratice alot on people's names..perhaps people have heard of's an african american site, and I hack into alot of people's name..take over their page, read their notes,nothing serious. But the person that is teaching me how to do it is a real expert.He's been teaching me a few tricks, takes time to learn..

You see, what makes it so funny,rb members are the easiest computers to hack into..why you asked?..because in every single post, their IP address is posted.The IP address is the gateway into someone's pc. For example, Evolve's IP address is D79C 2834. That is the key directly into his computer.All I have to do is place the IP address into a certain place,and after I reboot his pc from my pc, I will then place a small worm into his programs, feeding all of his info into my computer.

There are alternate ways to do this also,while Im still trying to figure out how to hack while on aim,. Im fairly good in doing it on yahoo.I will simply send you a message, and once you reply I enter in a "code" and put your name in the right place, and BOOM!..I've hacked your computer.I havent tried in a while because the person teaching me havent been on in a while.But Im down if you guys need anything

Hey, hacking genius, when have you EVER known there to be that many digits in an IP addy? Or even.. letters? The fact that there are letters displayed in the IP should be a fucking clue that those are not real fucking IP addresses.

You're not a hacker, I'm afraid.

You're not even a scriptie at best.

And I bet you think trojans are a condom brand.
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