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Old 02-09-04, 07:18 PM   #1
sofa king we todd did
cameronj86's Avatar
Posts: 478
From: Bermy
Those contrasting eyes


My mind is racing, pacing. If love built a house I'm on the bottom floor
It's hard to explain the situation even with similes and metaphors...
When you're around I feel the need to act nonchalant or silly
But the moment you're leave, these feelings erupt from within me
I see you laugh with your friends and, I try and play it cool even more
Having fun without my attention when I'm desolate without yours
When it's time to take the wheel you always take the backseat
Afraid of my physical impurities, before we speak, I admit defeat
You have contrasting eyes, I see them and lover's thoughts begin
So hot it melts my heart, yet takes my breath like cold gusts of wind
Every time you show affection to me, my mind revels in power
Feeling victory in sections, I ignore you to feed my ego for hours
Alone I think of how I can do better, take myself to the limit
I don't hate love though it may seem, just the games I play when I'm in it...
I flirt with others trying to get validation of love through your jealousy
But do you like me or my attention? Only mixed signals you're sending me
I daydream of kissing, touching and also romancing you
How can I be a bitter lover when I've rejected the chance to
Neither of us are close to perfect. I want but I don't need you
but you seem like perfection to me the way I know I'll never reach you
I need a sign from you even though I'm in no position for demands
I'll know when you look at me with "those contrasting eyes" again

Anyone wanna give me some insight or feedback on my poem? It would be appreciated.
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