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Old 02-09-04, 09:01 PM   #14
Light Weight
Posts: 165
From: ?????????

opener:tactixx had an okay opener, the multiples in the second line definetely helped.
holmes opener was pretty good, structure was just a little off, but the punch was funny,but it was also played....::holmes jr::

punchlines:holmes had a lot of simple punches, there really wasn't anything new done here.
tactixx did just a little better, the only one I wish would've been said was the "his moms a baboon" tactixx came out on top,just on top though...

structure: tactixx had all the structure here, makin' his easier to read than holmes jr's.

wordplay:nobody really had any..too bad.

multiples:tactixx only had some in the first part of his verse....
holmes tried in the middle of his verse, but came up short here.::tactixx::

closer:holmes closer started out ayite, but the second half was obvious.I knew it was coming..
tactixx had it here...his closer was borderline complex, mixed with a personal, and a punchline....tactixx

vote TACTIXX.... now peep my sig..then vote on my shit....