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Old 02-09-04, 10:02 PM   #8
÷Thìñg÷'s Avatar
Posts: 198

Look at token, he's comin a bit short of cents
A mod caught up in glory...
.....time to defeat 'em, and beat in some sense
nice personal.. ..pretty direct.. ..but 8/10
Remix, Token, Rekot... theres a list of changes
Had problems with camarac...
......and thew a hissy fit over textual exchanges
nice combination of a punch and personal.. ..but 7/10
Get this kid a noose to reduce the abuse i produce
Wittyness in disuse, i refuse ryans lame excuse
wow yea.. ..nice multis no doubt.. ..8/10
*Coins, tokens, quarters, dimes, and nickels
Flows like loose change.....
...embarassing enough, yet it sounds so simple
nice lil meta fix up here and personal.. ..8/10
Back in the day, couldn't get in Elements Elite
So ya had ta join Elemental...
......yet again Token killed in the attempt of defeat
decent punchline.. ..7/10
Your strategy is to annoy me.. Patience running thin
Idiot hacked into my desk theme..
..Just to get under my skin
nice creativity kinda blah.. ..ok punch.. ..but 7/10
Kids concepts are wack.. with punches so played
Fuck getting in Elite..
..You're getting the opposite of OKed
kinda simple nonetheless showed vet quality.. ..ok punch.. ..8/10
This is quite funny.. Something like a short joke
but on the contrary..
..You really are dope!
witty ass shit^.. ..nice personal.. ..7/10
I'm way ahead of you.. Never stood a chance
Only slightly in view..
..When taking a glance!
nice creativity.. ..good punch.. ..8/10
Kids got no personality.. So Dry.. So Brittle
I'd say you went overboard..
..But your weight lies somewhere in the middle!
good werdplay.. ..nice closer.. ..ok punch.. ..8/10
token 38 score ratio.. ..
ILLunatic 38 score ratio.. ..
shit was pretty much tie but imma give it to ILL cuz had more multis,personals,metaphors.. ..
vote/ILL.. ..
return the favor and hit my battle in return