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Old 02-10-04, 08:36 AM   #24
[/merk material]
Posts: 1,124

Jr - underestimated ya opponent.. 3rd an 4th lines were ok.. the rest was rather played an could of been for anyone.. the punches werent connectin cos they were too general an they werent exactly ill concepts.. ya opener was confusin at best.. an that closer was horrible.. 'lyricism officer'?? plz dont do that again.. keep elevatin tho dawg..

Tactixx - i can tsay i liked the rhyming in three's structure.. but it was fresh an it kinda worked.. some nice concepts for the metas an u were pretty consistant.. harder hittin lines was down to a better vocab.. but that 'baboon' line was wack as u know!

VoTe = Tactixx

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