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Old 02-10-04, 11:36 AM   #26
Middle Weight
Posts: 828
From: Campbellsville

I agree with Buttersworth. I've never seen blacks/whites/hispanics get pulled over when driving a beat up pinto. I think it's more of your age and how nice whatever you're driving is...then it is about racial issues. I know blacks/hispanics/whites that have been beaten by cops. I know blacks/hispanics/whites that have been pulled overe just cuz they had a nice vehicle. I know blacks/hispanics/whites that have gotten bullshit ass tickets so the cops could cover up their mistake. However, rarely does anyone I know with a shitty vehicle, etc, get pulled over/beaten/etc. It's all about how old you are and how nice your shit is. Race has very little to do with it. Think about it...9 times out of 10...if you see a car with rims/system/etc...who's driving it? Majority white/hispanic. Ever stop and think that maybe THAT'S the reason more blacks get pulled over? Not factual....just a theory based on facts.
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