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Old 02-10-04, 07:21 PM   #83
Sane Scientist
Posts: 600
From: -In My Lab-

Wow interesting that this thread is still going on
I kina figured this would bring up some good points and a lot of
Opinions … which is cool..

I still say Einstein will take anyone on..
But like someone stated before I genius could be well unknown
And be the smartest… I don’t think anyone is the smartest..
Because there is always someone smarter then the next ….
These should just be ones opinion on what an individual believes
Is thee top 5 best..

Oh yes I stated before Hawkins the scientist that made a theory on the
Black hole and how light reacts when it’s inside the black hole is crazy
..To me intelligence is measured by well lets say should be measured by
How well one can use their brain energy …to it’s full potential and use it
In an effective way.
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