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Old 02-10-04, 07:33 PM   #11
"Cuz bruk said so"
bouncedoggydog's Avatar
Posts: 1,540
From: Los Angeles

Human evil has always been the biggest threat to society. It is the most threatening issue in our daily lives, it has always been this way, and it will always be. Is there a cure for it, not exactly, but can you limit it, get rid of some? Yes, it can be regulated as with Hitler, saddam and such, but will it ever be gone? I doubt all evil can ever be eradicated, but we can rid the world of those we know that commit such atrocites. Just ask yourself what is the biggest threat to your life in your society today? Is it Macdonolds? Is it the homeless? Is it medical insurance? No, it's human evil and how it effects you. Just about everyone one of you are more concerned with someone killing you over global warming, right? I mean who gets home and say's "well I was lucky to make it home today, becuase global warming almost killed me". Not one of you! It's more like,"Damn I thought those thugs over on the corner of such and such were going to jack me for my such and such, I am lucky to have made it home"... Until we understand that our battle is not with government, or the enviornement or the mentality of the West, we can not confront our true enemy. That enemy is and always will be human evil...
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