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Old 02-10-04, 08:31 PM   #85
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Originally Posted by Mystery~murdera
Whoever says Hitler evidently doesn't know History. His stupidity of attacking Russia while at the same time facing an undefeatable adversary on his West was the DUMBEST STRATEGIC WAR MOVE IN HISTORY.

very true..
i've been to Volgograd where i visited museums etc and found out about the local history etc
hitler tried to attack in the middle of one of the worst winters in awhile against the russians who were much better equipped for the task and hardened in harsh winters
they were easily kept at bay by the ruskies and lost the war from then on in..
however they still inflicted alot of deaths despite that
and i dont classify hitler as genius..
he had a back staff of very intelligent individuals who were as much part of his rise to power as his powerful communication and ability to almost brain wash people
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