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Old 02-10-04, 09:09 PM   #19
Banned: Spamming
Posts: 467

TJ =

Hard-hit-ta is a child molestes-ta yo....
He got that Micheal Jackson Icon and-his name-gives-him-away O…I C
What, and who you B…stay your distance U homo-sexual M C,
rubbish lines
Yeah…you like Mic Checkin don’t you?
You come the battle?
You gonna leave typing with your brain half scrambled cuz-of-da-way I made it rattle...
blah, ya need to sort it out
U sex craz, I’m more deranged
I’ll drag you outta my range and beat your ass wit paddle that is wooden in the rain cause’ll-sting more when its wet micheal…
I’m Pulp fiction and-M-Cee’s need to listen trust, Hard-hit-ta leavin-da-forum bitch’n
na, rubbish also

hardhitter =

TJ ya willingly geting handed a loss ya fake and soft..
im not even gunna try cuz 2 lines is blowin ya off..
like a dust dust breez in the wind,,
your wack at hart,no beef dont start..
cuz your lines are faker then a whoopie cushin fart.!!
you gettin hit in every talibins robbin a mighty mart..
dont start son i will rip you apart..
your just another skinny lost nigga livin in the dark..
jump quick ta this call out!??
no need nigga i see you tryed to go all out..
but ya not suceeding like a high school drop out...........
your quick ta cop out thought u was gunna be another no show..
but u came in with 1 of the gayest flows/////
who knows maby u will blow but i aint goin in the direction as this fag.......
pop shit again your ass will be found in a body bag............nigga........
better end than him

this battle goes to hard hitter for better punches flow and structure, tj ya need to elevate your spitz dude.

vote = hardhitter

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