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Old 02-11-04, 11:07 AM   #116
New to RB
Posts: 98
From: BAHAMAS.....all day everyday

Aye yo fuck da "outcome" am dealin with wat can be (present)
maliciously I rip-out dis mofo "vocal cordz" like I was Bruce Lee (lol)
I spit "firmly n' Cumm" Korect like tha dick U swallowed last nite
word iz I heard U got disgusted when U saw Janet's titz da other nite
fuckin fag~nigz on tha block call U Naval officer aka tha land "semen"
bitch ur tha 1 screamin "got dicks"~beggin plz send more "seamen"
dis nucca talkin bout gunz~like other folkz ain't got none pussyass trick
quick reference though~notice how dis fag compares gatz to his dick(Homo)
remindin himself daily how much he hatez women becuz he was traumatized
sexually by his fat aunt as a child~guess that'z why he turned to
*50 cent voice* "many men" fa awhile /
son I've just put U on blast~both seriously and with a touch of "fun"
stick ta wat U know~grabbin 2 Kockz jerkin em and anticipatin tha "outcome"
Bringin FAKE ass niggaz da 'Business'