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Old 02-11-04, 12:55 PM   #23
"Cuz bruk said so"
bouncedoggydog's Avatar
Posts: 1,540
From: Los Angeles

Originally Posted by Asphyxiation

i.e. ALL people. And the simple reason is, their existence is futile. And I instinctively hate them, so....

Thier existence is futile.

^ In my estimation the only logical conclusions that can be acertained in the decyphering of your posts are as follows: The only educated assumtions we can make here is that you have an overwhelming content for the human race. You are superior to the human race, ie some kind of delusional reasoning atributed to you believing you are some kind of superior alien race. (which is not uncommon in the many mental disorders). Or you are trying to convey your intellegence in such a way as to belittle your fellow man, and or you are just full of shit and fucking with kids minds. Either way doesn't bother me, just thought I'd point this out, as some members read into your words. What is futile about an existence based on human will, there is nothing futile about it. Althought we have allowed ignorance to blind many in our societies, the overall conciousness of our race is far from ignorant. We have advanced beyond that of any known species and our compasion for our fellow man has elevated us above our animal counter parts. You can hold content for our race, but to wish our existance complete sanitation is not only diobolical it's a deep seeded ignorance in which many figures in the past have also held in regard. Today we call them monsters and madmen, yet they held similar idelogical views such as you have represented in your short tenure here on RB. Either way, it's just amusing to me, but hey I do understand how the frustration of today's societies can make one hold such a content, but to give it more than a thought is just beyond logic.
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