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Old 02-11-04, 01:12 PM   #24
Middle Weight
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Posts: 426
From: Canada

Well, I never expected starting such a long thread. I knew you'd be here Bounce, I kinda intended that to happen.

I heard a reply say'n the world woudln't work without peace, etc.

To clear things up, I'm not talking about the world, I'm talking about the U.S. If instead of going to Iraq, they spent that money on poverty and youth gang prevention etc. Basically I watched A 2Pac Documentry, and they interviewed him from prison, and he said:

"US is the biggest Gang in the world. How can we go and fight in another country, so some forgien kid can eat better, and sleep, when here at home you have an entire Race, struggling, barley hold'n on, kill'n each other to eat. Who's bring'n in the drugs?...."

So I just thought, imagine Tupac was here today, and the hay-day he'd have. But, I think there is lot's of different way's to end the violence, not the domestic home crimes, but the useless street crimes.
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