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Old 02-11-04, 04:02 PM   #1
Chase's Avatar
Posts: 195
From: Detroit
Should I.............


I was dien to say this to a few "friends" and famliy members

I didn't have cash way back

I don't have it now and I still want a May back

I mean I'm brand new

New shoes new gear so here, have a look

40 hrs a week 4- 12 and my sanity is all it took

And still talk gangster so I can look like a crook.

I'm not one, but I can make believe

Talk shit about holes in lungs make ya breath with ease

Thinking they won't touch me if I got a gun

So what if I'm in jail, grandma can post bail
And still I won

So what if I get shot, I can always pay my way into heaven

Call past the gates with my new nights that start at 7

Taken pictures on my phone and still can't see.

That is not the way I am, playa this isn’t me

After 7 dollars and 40 hrs I can afford some Air forces, I think.

But damn I broke all over again as soon as I blink

So what do I do, I got to stay fresh I got to stay tight.

Looks like Scott’s on the phone and he wants me tonight

I've been given him the run around just because he's white.

Voices in my ears telling me that match isn’t right

But I like Scotty, and the vocies tell me cash out.

Throw your morals and you respect for your self out.

Let your life be ran by a man.

Who don't even respect you enough to give you his hand.

Damn what should I do?

I guess I just be another broke bitch just like you.
I live to die and
Destance my self to Feel
My life is an oxymoran
Like a suicide Pill
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