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Old 02-11-04, 04:57 PM   #26
"Cuz bruk said so"
bouncedoggydog's Avatar
Posts: 1,540
From: Los Angeles

Originally Posted by Canuck
Well, I never expected starting such a long thread. I knew you'd be here Bounce, I kinda intended that to happen.

I heard a reply say'n the world woudln't work without peace, etc.

To clear things up, I'm not talking about the world, I'm talking about the U.S. If instead of going to Iraq, they spent that money on poverty and youth gang prevention etc. Basically I watched A 2Pac Documentry, and they interviewed him from prison, and he said:

"US is the biggest Gang in the world. How can we go and fight in another country, so some forgien kid can eat better, and sleep, when here at home you have an entire Race, struggling, barley hold'n on, kill'n each other to eat. Who's bring'n in the drugs?...."

So I just thought, imagine Tupac was here today, and the hay-day he'd have. But, I think there is lot's of different way's to end the violence, not the domestic home crimes, but the useless street crimes.

Yes, I too agree there is a tremendous amount of work to be done here in the US. That doesn't not mean that we should divert funds away from the Iraqi conflict or defense in general. That is not the solution, realocating funds to bring better living conditions in the hood will never work and history has proven this. I do believe there are more efecient ways to use the tax dollars our government spends. If you feel the same way, which I belive you do, then you are more of a conseervative than you admit. If you are against huge governemtn and huge spending, then why are you in opposition to the conservative ideology? It makes absolutly no sense what so ever. With that siad, then you must agree that we need smaller governement and less spending, which equates to less taxes. If so, then we are in agreance (sp?). Ok, if we agree on the spending issue, and the smaller government, then my friend you are conservative by nature. Now about diverting funds from the war to our ghettos, this is a romantic idea, but history show us that no matter the money spent, if Parents do not make an effort all the money in the world would not make a difference. Bottom line is, Parents have to be responsible and provide positive renforcment and influence in thier childrens lives. We need to pull the riengs in on our children, becasue the failure of society can be traced back to the failure of Parenting. Not in every case but in the overwhelming majority, this is the case. iF WE WANT TO WIN BACK OUR COMMUNITES, WE NEED TO START WITH OUR CHILDREN. It's time arents in the hood start taking responsiblity for thier children, educate and guide them. I am a product of los angeles gang neiborhoods, and ex gamng member myself, yet my daughter does not even know what a gang member is to this day. Why, because I made sure to remove that influence from her life, I made sure to educate her, instill values and morals at a young age. Rather than leave them to chance, I made a commitment to my child. I am responsible for who she is as a person, it is my job to teach her, guide her and make sure she becomes a respected member of our society. It's not the governemnts job to raise guide and shape the furture for children of iresponsible parents. Sure there will still be welfare cases, homeless and drug addicts, but the numbers can be astronomically reduced by providing a stable positive and loving enviornment for children to grow in. Most parents in the hood are too busy working long hours, doing drugs, or simply do not care enough to make this a concious effort on their part. Don't take me wrong, there are many wondeful parents in these area's, but the fact remains that more often than not, this proves false. It starts with you! Everyone who knows me, also knows that my number one priority in life is my daughter. I am involved with every aspect of her life, I home schooled her and spend every waking hour of my life guiding her. The choices I make in my life effect her future. We need to mend the damage that generations of iresponsible parenting have cuased our societies. Not all problems can be related to parenting, but the majority of them can. If we take responsiblity for our actions instead of relying on a welfare system and big government to fix our problems, positivity will florish. Instead we have become lazy, we intrust our childrens' and our own well being to that of government handouts. The abuse of the system has breed a generation of people who have absolutly no motivation. It's a mind state that tells them not to worry, it's the governments job to take care of us. We do not need fathers, we do not need families, we dont need to be good parents, we don't even need to send our kids to school, we do not need morals or values, we do not need to take responsiblity for our lives. This ideology is the major contributer to our social problems today. So everyone of you should make sure not to fall into this destructive cycle. Sure it can be swept under the rug for a while, but after time it grows and strangles our society. No matter how much money you throw at it, it will increase unless Parents take responsiblity and action. I have a daughter and I make sure parenting is the single most important aspect of my every waking day. If more would do the same who came from the ghettos such as myself, this problem would eventually get better. Yet how many parents can actually say they are doing enough to ensure thier children do not follow that same path as many others. I can, and everyday I do even more to provide my daughter with the right up bringing. It starts in our homes, please understand that, and do everything you can when you have children. BE RESPONSIBLE, and that does not just mean wearing a condom. That means get your ass in gear, get some education and stop blaming everyone and everything, but look to yourself. What you kids do know will effect your children in the future. Those who do not have that kind of parenting in your home, make sure you do better when you have your own kids. My parents did what they could, which was nothing, but I made sure I would not continue that destructive cycle when I had my own daughter.

God Bless you all, and please help the situation, everyone of you can make a difference.
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