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Old 02-11-04, 08:18 PM   #1
Gunman tha Great
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50 cent talks about Grammy awards


"I should've won something, i'm one of the biggest names in THE biggest Genre in music, People are talking about the way i blew onto the music scene as the fastest explosion in music history, and you don't give me 'best new artist'? I had the most played song of all time, of all time not most played hiphop song, but most played song period, i almost doubled The Beatles in spins worldwide and i don't get 'song of the year'? There was only one non hiphop song in the 'song of the year' catagory and thats the song that got it, i do my research and that song was never the number one song on the charts and we all know award shows like that are all based on sales and charts and shit i ran on stage cuz i honestly thought 'if i don't win shit, i'll win best new artist' and i was on my way, i was talking to Jay and he said "they announcing your award make sure you sharp" and I went up there, i made it look like a joke when i got up there but that is probably the last time i'll be going to the Grammy show, i think i didn't win because i declined to perform at the show. its bullshit"
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