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Old 02-11-04, 09:22 PM   #1
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Posts: 1,551
From: ``Mahayana
Talking Elements of Life(Legends Here I come...LMAo!)


Elements of Life

I pondered my position while sitting near the window watching the rain
The pain of rejection shattered my esteem~ Leaving me ashamed
The world is aimed at making a class of the most elite
Those less fortunate are left to wonder at how they'll live and what they'll eat
And it's a shame~
The differences in living costs and oppurtunities given
All leading to common death for those without and those within
What's really missin'? The race of men is destined to fail
Because they don't have the intelligence to truly govern themselves
And it's as sad as hell~ Such weeping and gnashing of teeth
Political parties burning money in front of the homeless in the streets
So I understand the ambivalence some feel toward religion
When their natural eyes behold men under the curse of ambition
How is grace forgotten in the face of poverty's victims, those sickened
By the unbalance of happiness and every fragile mind's vision
Hope is the religion of less priveleged souls who behold
The countenance of gods who turn their ears from prayers in the cold
I hope you find your life's reward at the bottom of a lie
In believing you'd find peace and rest while ignoring others cries
The miracle of this life is how in the world we survived
For this long.....
Does the sun truly shine without bias and does the rain fall on all
I'd love to see mankind unified under anything but a threat
But that possibility is unlikely and Babel's position is kept
So here we stand, the multitude of man~ Held in contempt
By ourselves, only knowing for sure that this life makes no sense...
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